I wanted to make something unexpected and a twist on how most classic thriller or horror films are written where the woman is the victim. This short was originally a one-woman show about Stockholm Syndrome. It was inspired by an article I read during my time at drama school about women who have developed Stockholm syndrome and being given labels such as “weak” because they ‘gave into their abuser’. I wanted to challenge that opinion as I believe it takes a lot of courage to survive these experiences and to forgive someone who has treated you in such a way. It was a huge challenge, as an actress and a writer, to create something so sensitive and unique.
I am no psychologist but from my experience, it seems that trauma experiences have the potential to be cyclical. If a child observes a particular type of behaviour they learn that that is the way to deal with it. This was something we were trying to explore within the piece and that we are all capable of committing bad acts.