All our Official Selection films will receive the Official Laurel and will be screened at our 5-Day Annual Live Event. Winners will be announced at the end of the event as well as the Prix du Public (Cash Prize). Winning films will receive their Certificate of Achievement.

In addition, we will choose a selection of outstanding projects as semi-finalists who will be invited to participate in our Virtual Event and compete for the Cannes New Waves Grand Prix of USD 1000. All semifinalist films will receive their corresponding Laurel.


Once you submit your film in any category, it will be reviewed by our screening team and the highest scored films will be selected to be part of our Official Selection and will be considered for all the winning categories.

Official Competitions

Technical & Performance

Nous sommes engagés à apporter le meilleur du cinéma. Nous voulons Découvrir de nouveAuX Talents.


Nos équipe de professionnels examineront votre film en privé et les films les mieux notés feront partie de la sélection officielle.

Our international jury is made up of artists from different areas of the film industry including Actors, Directors, Art directors, Sound Designers, Producers, Editors, and Cinematographers from France, United States, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Canada, Argentina and Sweden.

Pour moi, la reconnaissance du public fait partie du processus de réalisation du film. Quand on fait un film, c’est pour eux ”